2024 Sagittarius Full Moon in Snake Lunar Month

May 21, 2024 § Leave a comment

May 23, 2024 at 6:53 am PT is a full Moon in Sagittarius. Fire sign Sagittarius rules the ninth house of philosophy, education, and travel. Time to expand your horizons by making new contacts and friendships. The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are conjunct for creative expression, especially in relationships. This Dragon year spring and summer are lucky for weddings, and if single a possible new love!

The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter trine Pluto to remake, redo, and transform your environment. You can formulate long-range plans, and for many people these fortunate planetary aspects indicate professional success. If you have questions about life direction, contact me for your tarot card reading, astrology forecast, or feng shui consultation.

The full Moon is opposite the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter. Everyone wants to accomplish a great deal, and all at the same time. With the influence of Jupiter, it can be easy to go to excess. Priority is to maintain harmony between home life and work life, between your private self and your public self.

The full Moon marks the peak of Earth Snake lunar month. Earth Snake appreciates beauty in life and is financially fortunate, so anticipate good financial news. This spring begins a new 12-year growth cycle to initiate projects and cover much ground. Take action before Mercury is retrograde in August during Monkey month.

Sagittarian desire for expansion, understanding, and to have new experiences is for all, especially Fire signs Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo and those born in Rat, Dragon, Snake, and Monkey years.

Happy full Moon,

Tarot – Astrology – Feng Shui

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